My first two months at the university in Dodoma.
I have taken the first step. Tomorrow I’ll do the next one. “Challenges always seem impossible until you overcome them.”
Vainess Chunga writes to the SCHULBANK family.
Habari dear SCHULBANK family
My first two months at St. John’s University in Dodoma are over.
When I first started studying, I was very intimidated by the university and afraid I wouldn’t do as well as I did in school. I was afraid that I wouldn’t do as well at university as I did at school.
I have a winning mentality. “Winners never give up, and those who give up never win”.
I thought that the work would be much harder and that the teachers would be
That was true, but after the first month I started to really get involved in the classroom, and now I feel like I’ve adjusted well to life on campus. Even though the first two months were not always easy or pleasant, I am very proud of myself for getting through them so well. I am determined to continue to improve next semester.
My “two-month experience” was a big wake-up call for me. She showed me
that I can no longer rely on my teachers, my mother or my friends and that it is time for me to become independent and to take things into my own hands. The past few months have been some of the most stressful experiences of my life, but they have allowed me to mature and grow up much faster than I could have ever imagined.
I will do my best to successfully complete my BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE degree.
Recently, I’ve started entering all deadlines and important dates into my calendar to better manage my time. I also tried to take more time to study instead of always trying to cram the material the night before. I always found studying particularly difficult because I get distracted so easily. But now I’m trying to make study sheets and use flashcards so I can concentrate better when I study.
I always have a motivation that I hold on to, no matter what. I got the motivation to improve myself through the support of Schulbank e.V..
I have taken the first step. Tomorrow I’ll do the next one. “Challenges always seem impossible until you overcome them.”
Vainess Chunga
St. John’s University – Dodoma