New partner school with social goals: St. James Secondary School.

Our first ever trip to Tanzania (2013) took us to Kilolo, a small village 2 hours drive from Iringa. At that time, we were still looking at our options to build an elementary school there. 5 years later, we return and partner with the accredited St. James Secondary School from Kilolo. Who would have thought.

St. James Kilolo Secondary School is a private school located 40 km from Iringa in southern Tanzania. The school performs very well in competition with other schools in the area with a dedicated staff. The school was built with funds from the foundation of a family from Australia. Now it has to stand on its own two feet – and this is where we became aware:

In accordance with its statutes, the school must accept 40% of orphans and children from very poor families who are unable to pay the school fees in full each year. Even full cross-funding from school fees from wealthier families is not possible. For us at SCHULBANK, this extraordinary social orientation was a clear sign to support St. James in its concept and to send future scholarship holders to school in Kilolo as well.

Since the beginning of 2019, 13 of our scholarship recipients have been going to St. James Secondary School in Kilolo.
More information about St. James Secondary School